Welcome to Love a Cat Charity

Helping to Control the Growth of Hawaii’s Cat Population… With Love

Welcome to Love a Cat Charity

Helping to Control the Growth of Hawaii’s Cat Population… With Love


These kittens are available for adoption to INDOOR homes.
Kittens and their mothers have been tested for major diseases. All are treated for worms and fleas and have been spayed or neutered before adoption. They have been raised indoors and are litter box trained.

Interested in adopting?

If you are interested in adopting a kitten or cat, please fill out our questionnaire using the link below. Someone will then contact you to answer any questions and arrange a meet and greet. A $100 donation is recommended for each adoption.

Click here for ADOPTER questionnaire

Interested in fostering?

Fosters are so important because they give kitties a chance to socialize and learn to love so they are ready for their furever homes. Love A Cat Charity covers all medical costs and provides adoption support. If you’re interested please fill out our questionnaire using the link below.

Click here for FOSTER questionnaire

Have a general cat question?

Found a kitten? Not sure where to fix your cat? We’re happy to help with any cat related questions you have. Send us an email at adopt@loveacatcharity.org and we’ll get back to your shortly.



Older Kittens/Adult Cats Available Now

Licorice (m)

This little sweetheart loves to follow you around and be wherever you are. He and his favorite tabby cat, Mama Cher, just naturally trust people so if you go somewhere, they wait for you (together) right by the door. It is difficult to get a good picture of Licorice because if you are close he wants to rub and say “Hi. I love you.”

Wilson (m)

Wilson is an 8 year old male that ADORES humans.

Kittens Available Now

Mccloud (m)

This is an independent and mischievous cat who will amuse you with his antics, and once he’s warned up to you he’ll surprise you with his nightly cuddles. He’ll do great in a home with other cats and even dogs, granted the dogs in question are calm in nature. 


Rummy (m)

The only boy of his litter, Rummy plays gently and often keeps to himself, just watching the girls of his litter playfight. His paws and head are bigger than his sisters so he will probably be a bigger kitty? He is gentle and loves scratches on the cheeks and ribs. He will rub his whole head in your hand kindly demanding to be pet. He has beautiful spots on his belly and likes them rubbed. He is a very good napper and I think he could be a professional air biscuit maker. All of his pads are black and so cute! His favorite toy is a foil ball. He likes to carry it around and show his pride from catching it.

Jellybean (f)

Jellybean can be quite the little lady. She is playful yet cuddly and is always sure to meow to let you know she needs some snuggles. She loves to be wrapped like a purrito, and be sung to sleep. Her little Hawaiian tail is sure give you a giggle.  She will melt your heart each time she looks into your eyes.


Jolly (f)

Jolly is very inquisitive and very food motivated. If she sees you walking with anything that could be a food or drink container, she is on it. She wants to smell everything you’re eating and drinking. She is first one to the food bowl but a very gentle eater. She has a lot to say for herself and sometimes her meow is so faint, it seems like a half of a meow. She is a neck-kitty. When she settles in to cuddle with you, she wants to be on your chest or shoulder. Her purr is loud and being so close to your ear, you might as well just give up on hearing anything other than her purring! Her favorite toy is a boba straw.

Grace O' Malley (f)

Gracie purrs as soon as you pick her up or pet her. She has a lot to say and meows a lot, so get ready to understand her language so you can have a two way conversation. She loves to play with her siblings and also spend time basking in the sun by herself. She is very inquisitive and will check out new toys by cautiously touching and smelling before engaging. She likes to sleep in high places and will run down as soon as she sees you. Her favorite toy is a ping pong ball, and she is very quick when chasing it. All kittens have been taught to not crawl of window screens and do not crawl up drapes. They know to use a scratching post and not furniture and also like the cardboard scratchers. They all love medium sized boxes to jump in and will bring a toy in with them!

Kitties Available Soon

Tiger Lily


Lizzy and the L's

Cinnamon and Bun Bun

Dough Boy

3 Ways to Help

Use your internet searches & shopping to raise money for Love A Cat Charity!

 Everytime you use GoodSearch to search or buy online, Love A Cat Charity will earn money…at no cost to you

Do a lot of shopping on Amazon? With AmazonSmile, 0.5% of your purchases is donated to Love A Cat Charity.

Use this link to get started

If you have questions about your cat or the cats in your area, please email us.

See our Virtual Adoption Section for more cats available virtual adoption!